HAPPY NOVEMBER LOVES! Let me start this post with a HUGE apology. I have truly been missing in action. Given, I could have given a warning, but I have my reasons which I will share right now…

  1. Work has been the biggest pain in my butt since my childhood vaccinations.
  2. Your girl needed time to reflect, relax and have some peace of mind.
  3. My mind was in a creative slump, and I needed time to regroup. Pinterest wasn’t helping me.

Due to all of these things, I went on a temporary hiatus from the second week in September to the second week in October. #HelloVacation

During this time, I discovered many things about myself, remembered a few things to help me get back on track and had a influx of creative ideas. I am back now, and I have a new outlook for the month of November. This month I want to embrace creativity as a whole. I don’t want to just focus on creativity within my blog, on Instagram, on Facebook, on Twitter or on YouTube. I want to expand my creativity to all platforms including my regular every day life. I’ve gotten back into doing a few projects, and I purchased some new camera equipment, so that has definitely given me a boost to get some new things done.

My work schedule has gotten back to a normal and consistent baseline as of lately. Now I have more time to physically sit down at my desk, get my life together and actually create some worthy content. I want to get back into the habit of posting at least twice a week and recording videos regularly. I’ve started doing so, but I need to be a little bit more consistent. Progress is what makes the world go around, and as long as I am progressing, I can be happy.

This month I also want to focus on success. Too often I find myself critiquing little things about my content or things at work, etc. I’ve come to the conclusion that I focus more on my failures than my successes. That is the WRONG thing to do when you are trying to get some pep in your step! There was a tip I learned a while back about making to do lists.

*Pauses to put on glasses and clear throat*

Instead of doing the traditional to do list as one long column of things that need to be done and checking them off as you go… you should make two columns/lists! The first column/list should be a to do list and the second should be a done list. Thank you Lilly Singh for making my life so much easier. This way, at the end of the day, you can see all the things that you HAVE accomplished and not just focus on the things that you HAVE NOT accomplished. All people/ideas in history that have been successful have reached that success with few or many drawbacks. No one or thing is perfect, and that is definitely something to remember.

The last focus point that I want to expand on today is balance. I love agendas, and anything that I can write down my little notes on because sometimes my phone doesn’t cut it. I am an old-fashioned pen and paper type of girl when it comes to planning out my weeks, months and year for that matter. Last year, I got a Big Happy Planner from a company called Me and My BIG Ideas, and I fell in love with it! This year I did the same thing, and it definitely helps me in the category of balance. Another part of my journey to balance is knowing when to just say NO. I’ve always been that person to get the job done, always think of other people before myself, never say never, and always be the one to find the answer.

Majority of the time these are all great characteristics to have… especially when you are in your mid 20’s and work for the government. *raises hand slowly*

However, it came to the point where I was saying so much “yes” and not enough “no” that my body started to shut down mentally and physically. I would always be tired, I would feel sick, I would always have a chip on my shoulder, and that’s just not the person that I am. I’ve gotten to the point now where if my body is telling me no and I know that I can afford to have time to myself, I will definitely take it, and it is paying off tremendously! #healthandwellness #selflove


What will you focus on this month? Leave a comment below!



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