Rock Your Body | @Multifaceted_

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When is the last time you stood in the mirror and said to yourself…


It could have been this morning… or you might still be trying to come up with an answer. If you’re still thinking, then it has been too long. Taking care of your body is a way of loving your body. There is no shortcut to an amazing physique. You have to put in hard work to get great results.

Sometimes you might need a little extra…Inspiration.

When you are looking for a personal trainer, you want someone who can deliver that extra push and guide you in the right direction.

I would like to introduce you to Atlanta’s own Malcolm Wilson. Training since June 2012, Malcolm holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a ISSA Master of Fitness Sciences Certification, and he is a former Newberry College (Newberry, SC) football player. IMG_0882.PNG


q and a

What made you interested in personal training? 

“I have been into fitness since I was 13 years old. To keep me out of trouble, my uncle would take me to the gym and train me. Next, I began playing football, and this kept me around fitness. I wanted to be the best athlete that I possibly could, so I knew I had to take my workouts to another level. I began training with an athletic trainer, and he trained me from high school all the way through college. I would perfect every mechanic of training that I was taught; on how to become bigger, faster, stronger, more explosive, and I would teach them to my teammates in high school and in college. It was in sharing what I had been taught through the intense experience of working out with my trainer that I found an interest in training others. It was because he helped to push me to the height of my athletic ability, that he impacted my life. I wanted to share my passion, and help others to reach their true fitness potential in the same way. Inside of every repetition, every set, every exercise, every drill, and every workout was a challenge, and I loved every second of overcoming each one. From there, my family, friends, and random people would always ask to workout with me or ask for some kind of workout advice. As I took on clients with non-athletic fitness goals, I had to learn the difference between personal training and athletic training. In order to perfect my craft doing both, I earned my personal training certification . It was the mentality that my trainer instilled in me that gave me the greatest feeling in the world. It was the crazy workouts that taught me the things I needed to know, and it was the combination of the two that changed my life and made me want to share my training with the world.”


 What has fitness done for you? 

I have been working out since the age of 13, so fitness has always been apart of my life. It has molded me, both physically and mentally. Physically, fitness has made my muscles bigger, my body stronger, and my legs faster. I love my physique and how I can perform physically, but it is what fitness has done to my mind that I love the most. Mentally, fitness has sharpened my mind to take on and handle anything.

What are your future goals? 

I have three future goals that I am currently working towards. There are alot of trainers in the city of Atlanta, and I want to be best….I want to change the profession of fitness and change as many peoples lives as I can in the process.

To set my services apart from everyone else, I have began developing a new training system that will deliver a more effective workout for my clients. Next, I want to take my new training system and open my own gym/training facility and continue to spread my training throughout the city.

Lastly, I recently got into fitness modeling, it was a great experience and I would like to do more of it.

iphone.jpgMost memorable moment? (Training a Client or Personal Moment)  

This came from my first training job, and I was working for LA Fitness at the time. I began to constantly film my workouts and post them to Instagram and Facebook. I would always come up with the wildest but fun workout ideas in order to show my athletic ability on my posts. After a few months of this, an Adidas representative from Germany reached  out to me on Instagram and invited me to New York to do a photo shoot modeling their new line of training gear for the upcoming seasons. It was because they loved my posts that they wanted me to put my talent on film in their new gear. Going to New York and modeling for Adidas was the most fun thing I have ever done, mainly because I literally got to workout in front of a camera for 10 hours. I loved every second of the process because working out took me to a place that I had never been to do something that I had never done before, it just shows that hard work really does pay off.

3  “Not So Commom” Nutrition Tips

1. Consume essential fats in order to burn body fat
There are two types of fat, essential fat (good fat) and saturted fat (bad fat). A lot of people would think that in order to lose fat they will need to remove it from their diet. However, eating this macronutrient can actually help you to metabolize and burn more fat. With this being said, everyone needs a healthy balance of the three macronutrients; protein, fats, and carbs in their diet.  It is best to meet your protein needs first and then adjust your fat and carbohydrate intake accordingly.  Eating more protein and essential fat means eating less carbohydrates.  This will reduce your overall insulin (fat cell creator and storer) levels. Lower insulin levels allow your body to use fat cells for energy and fuel your muscles during your workout instead of storing them in your body.

2. Avoid eating “white foods”
White foods refer to processed and/or refined foods such as white flour, white rice, white sugar, white bread, pasta, crackers, and cereal. This excludes foods such as onions, cauliflower, and white beans; this is because these are natural foods and they rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients.  On the other end of the spectrum, processed ”white foods” have been stripped of their nutritional value and have almost no health benefits.  While these foods may taste good, they are not satisfying to the body and therefore leave you over fed and undernourished. This means you will be hungry because your body is craving the nutrients it is not receiving, this usually leads to over eating and eventual weight gain. So be sure to stay away from processed foods and instead eat more whole and natural foods to deliver much needed nutrients to your cells.

3. Cook with more herbs and spices instead of cooking with salts
We get an overwhelming amount of sodium in our diets. Too much sodium causes water retention, higher blood pressure, and can lead to athlersclorosis (hard arteries). In order to aviod this, it is best to cook with more herbs and spices instead. This is because herbs and spices provide healthy antioxidants, boost the metabolism, detox the body, and aide in weight loss. Cooking with too much salt and consuming it for too long without exercise wil increase blood pressure and lead to heart disease. Herbs and spices such as: garlic powder, ginseng, mint leaves, curry, cumin, basil, allspice, caynne pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg or ginger to name a few while having health benefits can also replace the taste of salt.  Cooking with herbs and spices can help with weight loss.


1 Common Weight Loss Misconception

Once I begin training people, it is often that I hear my clients say that they didn’t eat anything during the day because they are trying to “lose weight”. This has to be one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to weight loss today for two reasons. First because our body has its own survival mechanism for periods of low caloric intake When you don’t eat food your body has to work and survive with little to no calories. In response to this our bodies go into “famine” or survival mode and the body will slow its metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories at rest) down in order to hold onto any incoming calories in order to protect itself. Instead of starving ourselves, it is better to eat several properly portioned meals a day within two to three hours of one another in order to keep our bodies out of survival mode.  This will also boost our metabolism and burn calories that will be used for energy. Once you train your body to eat this way,  your body will be able to produce and utilize more energy for all daily activities. Second, we have to understand that calories are a measurement for the amount of energy that is inside anything we eat/and or drink. So it is important to fuel our bodies with proper nutrition in order for us to have energy to carry out our everyday functions. Eating more regularly is how we will properly lose weight, not by starving our body.

training rates

One on One Training Rates:
$35/hr session
$25/30 minute session
1 Hour Packages:
12 sessions $420/mo
8 sessions $280/mo
5 sessions $175/mo

30 Minute Packages:
12 sessions $300/mo
8 sessions $200/mo
5 sessions $125/mo

This includes a goal consultation, a fitness assessment/measurements, one on one attention, tailored workouts, workout adjustments, a nutrition plan, and my full support as your trainer.

group training$20/hr session per person (atleast 3, no more than 8 people)
$10/30 minute session per person (at least 3, no more than 8 people)

This includes bootcamp styled fitness workouts that are designed to incinerate fat, and build a better body.
You know we have to give you guys something to try! Here is an indoor calisthenic (bodyweight) workout that can performed anywhere!
Let us know what you think! Hit us up on Instagram, tag us or use a the hashtag …diasehs


Consult a physician before performing this or any exercise program. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own medical and physical condition, or that of your clients, and to independently determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content in this post. Any exercise program may result in injury. By voluntarily undertaking any exercise displayed on this web site, you assume the risk of any resulting injury. Thank you.

Yes…the disclaimer is necessary.


STOP! HEY YOU!…YES YOU! Go follow Malcolm on Instagram right now! Don’t have Instagram? That’s fine because he has Facebook too!
Social Media/Contact:
InstagramFacebook  |
Email | Phone (803)807-1794

And if you’re not following me on social media…YOU SHOULD BE!!!  

The Kiss List

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Now we all know the obvious answer to this, but there are more benefits to kissing than just getting you hot and bothered.

Some even say that the way their partner kisses can be a serious make or break in their relationship…YIKES! The thought of sharing such a vulnerable moment with someone special can make you feel many different ways…

Some feel like they are part of a love story… while the rest may feel like a bundle of nerves.

Thankfully kissing has some awesome health benefits, and if you have been kissed, then you fall into one or more of these smooch worthy categories:


Hopefully you are already happy with your date/girlfriend/boyfriend. A plus is your body’s chemical response to kissing that special someone. The response is the same as the boost you get after a good workout. That is some serious couple’s therapy!


Fun Fact: 66% of the population turn tilt their head to the right when they kiss…
You can stop tilting your head now.

burns calories

Not only is kissing a mood lifter and great way to display affection… It’s a great mini workout! During a heated make out session you can burn 6.4 calories per minute.

 That’s something you don’t think about everyday.

This does not mean you need to skip your cardio session to go snuggle up, but it’s definitely a plus that gets your heart racing!

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Ladies!! We constantly hunt for the almighty quick fix for that time of the month. Cramps can ruin any and everything. When you are emotionally connected to your partner many things can happen, but did you know that your sweetheart could be your personal pain-killer? Ever heard of a hormone called Oxytocin? It has even been called the “Love Hormone” or “Cupid’s Arrow”.

Fun Fact: This hormone has been directly linked with sexual pleasure, and is released during an orgasm.
