Bali Series | When to Go & Where to Stay

¡Hola Mis Amores! It has been a while! How have you been? How’s the family? Good? Great! You will have to excuse me… I have had entirely too much coffee today.

Recently, I took a trip to Bali, Indonesia. I have been back for a little over a week, and I promise that jet lag is a real thing! Today, I am going to share with you some tips on how to decide when you should go to Bali and where to stay.

Welcome to Part I of the Bali Series!


When planning any trip, whether it’s across the world or just up the street, one of the most important questions should be… Why am I going?

It’s as simple as that! Knowing the answer to that one question can open the door to so many things. More importantly, it will help you plan your budget, which we will get to a bit later. In the case of traveling to Bali, there are two things that will greatly affect your trip…Weather_Holidays_DiasehsBali has two types of weather that can vary year round: wet and dry. I know that sounds a bit short, but it is nothing shy of the truth. From the month of May until the beginning of October is considered the “dry season”. The end of October through April is considered the “rainy season”. I went to Bali in the middle of October, and the weather was perfect. There were a few clouds in the early morning on the last day, but there was absolutely no rain.

If you are thinking about visiting during the month of March, please do your research on Nyepi Day. This day is the celebration of the New Year in Bali, and it is also known as the Day of Silence. On this day, all daily routines come to a HAULT. This means all stores are closed, people stay within their homes and even keep their lights off. The holiday within it self has a cleansing purpose with a lot of history behind it. There is also a huge parade the day before! In short, do your research and plan ahead.


Now that you know when you will be going, it’s time to find somewhere to stay. Accommodations in Bali tend to be divided into three types: hotels, villas and hostels. The easiest way to locate a hotel in the area that you wish to stay in will be to use your trusty search engine. Just type in, “Hotels in Bali”. You will be flooded with numerous options and reviews.

The next option is to stay in a villa. This is really when you get what you paid for and is also my favorite option. I prefer to search for villas using Airbnb, but if you are not a fan, you can also use HomeAway. Disclaimer: If you use my Airbnb link, you will receive a $40 USD travel credit. If you are looking to stay for more than just a few days, this would be the best way to go. The lowest price per night for a villa in Bali could be around $19 – $23 USD. The highest could be around $1,070 USD per night. Choose what fits into your budget, and go from there!

If you are on a limited budget and want to engage in a more social environment, look at hostels. Hostels have a reputation for being unsafe, but that is not always true. Check ratings and look at well advertised hostels to make the best decision. The best site to use is Hostelworld.

This trip, we decided to stay at a villa in Seminyak. To see more of the villa that we chose, check out my villa review. There is an added bonus within the post!

What do you love about Bali? Planning to visit soon? Leave a comment and let me know!

Also, make sure you hit the follow button at the top of the page to stay updated on new posts, giveaways and more! Part II of the Bali Series will be up later this week.

¡Besos y Bendiciones!